Trey’s Birth Story

Trey’s Birth Story

April 15th 2018

Trey’s birth story starts the day we found out we were expecting him. It was back in August  and we had just finished shooting a wedding. We were exhausted and when we got home I got really sick and we figured we would take a test to see. We talked about trying after Skyler turned one but we weren’t sure how long it would take. To our surprise the test was positive. It was such a bittersweet day. We had just had Dan’s sister’s funeral the day before we took the test. We were beyond excited to be pregnant but the pain and the sorrow from the loss of Kendra made it really difficult to comprehend all the different emotions. We had been praying that we would get pregnant and that it would be on God’s timing. At that point in time it was really difficult to see how the timing of it all was God’s perfect timing but we had to trust that God had a bigger plan than ours. We told our families right away so they could support and help us through all the mix of emotions going on.

My Pregnancy was a difficult one just like Skyler’s was. I wasn’t able to eat sugar or many carbs from 7 weeks on. I was really sick the majority of the time and really struggled with keeping my blood sugar balanced. At 35 weeks I went into pre-term labor like I did with Sky. At the hospital they tried multiple things to stop my contractions and eventually they were able to slow them down to the point they could send me home. This was hard for me because I felt like my body was ready to have him and I was pretty frustrated that they stopped me from continuing my labor. But again we were trying to trust God with his timing. We saw how much God’s hand was in the timing of Skyler’s birth so it came down to me needing to trust God through this. Anyone who has been pregnant knows that the last few weeks of pregnancy feel longer than your whole pregnancy. Every day I would wake up wondering if today was the day and I would go to sleep praying that my water would break during the night. And everyday I would wake up disappointed. That went on for 2 long weeks. And I cleaned the house everyday for those 2 weeks : )

On April 15th at 4 am, I felt a funny feeling and I wondered  if my water broke. I went to the bathroom to see and I was disappointed to see that it didn’t. However, the second I climbed back into bed I quickly realized that in fact my water did break! I jumped up and quickly told Dan to grab a towel! We took our time getting ready, well I took my time. Dan was a little more frazzled. My contractions weren’t very strong yet. Dan’s sister, Kate came to our rescue and stayed at the house to watch Skyler. We got to the hospital around 6 am after making a pit stop for some Wawa egg sandwiches. At the hospital they monitored me and the baby for a while and then we walked. AND we WALKED and WALKED.  My contractions basically stopped when I was laying down so the only way to keep them coming was to walk. So every hour we walked as long as I could and then they would monitor me for 15 mins. My contractions weren’t very close like they were with Skyler’s but they were really strong. Around 2:30 pm I was about 6cm dilated and I made into about 20 minutes of our walk and I couldn’t handle the pain anymore. We started talking to my nurse about getting the epidural. We waited a LONG hour before they were able to give me an epidural. They gave me some pitocin to help the contractions continue and they also had me use the “peanut ball”, to help Trey move down. My nurse came to check on me after some time and I asked if I felt any pressure. I hadn’t but within 20 minutes of her asking I definitely felt pressure. They came and checked me and I was at a 9-10 cm. My nurse left the room and said she would get things ready and that we could start to push in about 10 minutes. The minutes ticked on by and I started to get really impatient. I kept telling Dan that I needed to push and I started getting really upset. I even made him check to see if his head was coming twice!  40 minutes later my nurse came back in and as soon as she got my legs up to push she quickly called for help. She said, ” Oh, I see his head!”  They quickly got my doctor gowned and the room ready and with ONE push at 6:33 pm Trey was born! We did skin to skin for the 1st hour and then Dan got to hold him. Skyler came with my parents and was instantly wanted to hold and kiss him. Family came and visited and it was a really peaceful first night.

*To see this story via video check it out at the bottom!*

Welcome to the world and our family Trey!

Trey Lewis Eppehimer

7lbs 4 oz.

19.5 in. long







All pregnancy long I craved Moccia’s chocolate cake and I was beyond excited when the Epps brought me some! 


Trey’s Newborn Photos

The day after we had Trey we found out that Skyler had croup. The doctors didn’t want her around me or Trey so she stayed an extra few days at my parents house.  Of course me being super hormonal completely melted down! All I wanted was for my two babies to be home with me. It’s really hard to have one of your kids sick and to not be able to take care of them. When we finally came home she was starting to get better but then she got double ear infections! Let’s just say the first two weeks of being a family of four was rough! God had to teach me what it meant to show mercy and grace when  I was completely drained.

It took us 3 separate days to photograph Trey’s newborn photos! The 1st day we tried he decided that he didn’t want to sleep. The 2nd day Skyler was still not feeling well so we waited again! By the 3rd try we were determined to get them done! It took a while but we are super happy with how they turned out!

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3








Thanks so much for reading and looking through our images! We hope you enjoyed!


Dan & Brit