A Day in the Life – Week 16

Week 16! We can’t believe we are already at 16 weeks of doing this! Time needs to just slow down! Well not too slow! We can’t wait to get a break at the end of the season! We only have 2 more weddings left! This past week was a nice balance of work and family time. We planned out to do a lighter load of work since we wouldn’t be taking any days off.


We were super tired after a day of editing and the outside was just calling to us. Dan went and picked us up delicious food from Bucktown Grill and we ate our dinner sitting outside the front of our house. The fall colors last week were just breathtaking! Ohh and we are pretty sure Skyler has now discovered the camera. Below she decided that she wanted to take a photo of daddy instead and was fighting for it.


Our baby girl turned 6 months! WHAT! How did that happen so fast! It has been so fun to see her personality come out! She may or may not be a little bit stubborn like her mommy while also being a snuggle bug like her daddy!

Someone was super upset that her mommy didn’t let her chew on her leather boots!


We’ve been feeling super overwhelmed with all of the work we have to do and Brit’s mom came up twice this week to help us watch Skyler and clean! It was the biggest blessing! Just having time where we could give our complete focus on work for an extended period of time helped us get so much done! Thanks Mommy! You’re the best! ( We would show more photos of her but she get’s upset when we take her photo : ) )


Skyler LOVED sitting in the laundry basket! My Mom just put her in there with her toys and she played for over an hour! When we tried later we weren’t as succesful as her. We met up with Brit’s family for dinner at Maggianos and had some delicious pasta!


We had a booth at La Massaria at Bella Vista Golf Course hosted by Bouche Productions. We usually only do 1 bridal show a year and we did this one last year and met so many amazing couples. We just had to do it again!  It is always nerve wrecking at the beginning because you never know if people will come and chat with you but by the end of the show we met with some really nice people. We hope and pray that we will be able to get some weddings from it!

Thanks for spending a few minutes with us!

Dan & Brit