Skyler Rae Eppehimer- Our Birth Story

Dan and I decided that it would be best if we just did one large blog telling the story of our beautiful baby girl!  Hope you enjoy!


My pregnancy was a rough one. I couldn’t wait till our baby girl was with us and till I no longer had to be pregnant! The end of May couldn’t come soon enough. April 22nd I woke up during the night and was feeling terrible and was having really close contractions. I was only 34 weeks pregnant so at the hospital they did a few things to try to stop my contractions. They were able to slow them down enough to send us home the next morning. However, we ended back in the hospital the next night with worse contractions and pain. It was a very long night but again they were able to slow them down. From there I was put on bed rest which was really difficult for me because I had to stop teaching and had not planned on being done that early. Dan and I decided that we should probably do our maternity photos ASAP because we really had no idea when our little one would be born.  We went and took the photos a few minutes from our house on a dirt road that was next to a creek. We had a lot of fun shooting them ourselves.


The baby’s room was a project that Dan and I were both so excited for. If you have been to our house you know that Dan and I love decorating and creating neat spaces. I had dreamed about what her room would look like for months and am so happy with how it turned it!


May 6th I woke up not feeling very well. I just felt really off and I was having some contractions but not ones that were as close as two weeks earlier. My mom came over and helped me clean the house and just hung out with me while Dan was at work. My contractions calmed down and we met my family for dinner that night. On May 7th I woke up and was super disappointed that nothing happened that night. I went to the bathroom to get ready for the day and my water broke! (It was amazing because the 2 weeks while on bed rest I prayed and prayed that God would have my water break at home so I would definitely  know that I was in labor)  I called Dan in and told him to get a shower because it would be a long day. We took our time getting ready and left the house about an hour later. We met my brother in law at Wawa to get the video camera and headed to Chester County Hospital. By the time we got there my contractions were definitely stronger and closer and my water was continually flowing ( I was pretty embarrassed as I had to walk through the hospital with a sweatshirt tied around my waist to cover the water). They got us in a room and all situated around noon. Our nurse was wonderful and encouraged us to walk the halls to keep everything progressing. Eventually they asked me if I wanted my epidural and I thought that you had to be at 7 centimeters dilated to get it so I said that I wasn’t ready for it yet. So around 6 centimeters I started asking about the process for the epidural and it was then that I found out I could have gotten it at 3 centimeters. Needless to say I got my epidural and was able to relax a little more. Dan and I watched some Grey’s Anatomy and The Sandlot. My doctor came in and checked me and they gave my some pitocin and 30 minutes later they came in and told me I was ready to start pushing. We were joking with doctor and nurse that my sister had pushed for only 15 minutes for her baby so my goal was to beat that. However, I did lose that contest but only by 15 minutes. I pushed for 30 minutes and at 9:06 pm Skyler Rae Eppehimer was born. She weighed 6 pounds 12 ounces and was 19 inches long! She was a great size for being born at 36 weeks and 4 days!  We prayed that God would protect her and that she wouldn’t be born till she was big enough and healthy enough and God answered our prayers for sure!




Again, Dan and I wanted to photograph Skyler’s pictures ourselves and we had so much fun taking them the other day!

1 week old

This outfit that she is wearing was the outfit that I wore when I came home from the hospital.

3 weeks old